You’re Going to Need a Jug


Psalm 56:8 NLT You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.

I’ve been crying a lot lately – grief from the loss of my sweet Daddy, pain from the physical and emotional health needs of my dear mother, my own health issues, job stressors…I’ll say it- It’s a lot! So I have cried a lot. How much the Father cares for us that my evening study was Psalm 56.

The scriptures say He keeps track of all (my emphasis added) of my sorrows (v.8). He knows what I have been through – my entire life. He knows the things that no-one else knows and he keeps track of my sorrows. He knows when I have cried – thinking no one else was around – my private tears. You know the “ugly cry” that you cry when you don’t want people to know that your faith might be shaken?? Or when you sinned again because you fell into the trap? I love it that the scripture doesn’t say he cares why I’m crying – it could be grief, pain from someone else or some self-induced problem that I created. Just like the hairs on my head are numbered (Matt. 10:30), He knows each time we have sorrow.

He notices – He remembers – He keeps them in a bottle (v.8) and records them in His book. Not just any book, but His book. Malachi 3:16 says he keeps a book of remembrance of those who are faithful to Him. That’s me! That’s you! In His perfect timing, he will allow us to experience joy for all the tears we’ve cried.

Thank you Lord…I’m thinking one of those cute lachrymators won’t do – we’re going to need a large jug!

Prayer: Lord thank you for seeing me, noticing my sorrow and attending to my needs. Thank you for your faithfulness to me. Help me to continue to be faithful and trust you in everything – even when I cry. Amen.

One thought on “You’re Going to Need a Jug”

  1. Beautiful Niece just know that I’m keeping you in my prayers daily. I’m here and you are not along. God promise us he will never leave us or forsake us. I love you ❤️

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